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Dr. LoCicero is available for speaking and book-reading events via messages sent through this website, on the "Contact" page.

UPCOMING in 2015
March 19. Guest on Boston Public Radio, WGBH Boston
March 12. Presentation at Cambridge Public Library, 6:30 PM
March 19. Presentation at Somerville Public Library,
7 PM
March 16, Guest Speaker at Nassau Community College, Garden City, LI, 11 AM
March 20. Presentation and Signing at Harvard Bookstore.
April 13. Radio Interview with Family Talk Radio. 
April 16. Keynote Address at Salem State University, Program for Center for Children and Youth.
June 20, Presentation at the Society for the Psychological Study of Social Issues Annual Meeting, Washington, DC.



March 3. Presentation at  Bridgewater State Hospital
March 5, 7 PM. Book Signing at Harvard Coop
March 10, TV Interview on Greater Somerville, Somerville, MA. Hosts KyAnn Anderson and Joe Lynch.
January and February, 2015 Radio Interviews in seventeen cities across the US. 
January 13, 2015
Porter Square Books, 35 White St., Cambridge, MA
October 23,  2014
Boston Medical Center
Psychiatry Grand Rounds
2-3 PM. Dowling Amphitheater
Boston Medical Center Campus
October 20, 2014
Cambridge Health Alliance Global Health and Human Rights Seminar
Clinical Psychology Doctoral Students’ Knowledge of Ethics for Psychologists in Military Settings.
August 8, 2014


American Psychological Association, WAshington DC, USA

4 PM

Convention Center 140B

June 24, 2014


International Colloquium on Conflict and Aggression

Zielona Gora, Poland






Interest in the Boston Marathon bombing is expressed throughout many parts of the world. This is a video that contains sections of an interview with NIck Harper. 

Reporter Philip Martin, WGBH, asks, at the start of the trial, who is Dzhokhar Tsarnaev?  This piece inlcudes sections of an interview with Dr. LoCicero

June 13, 2014


ISociety for Research in Adult Development

Salem, MA, USA


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